Distributed Control System For Gas Station

The DCS had been installed on-site since 1988 and in recent years had experienced several problems which caused the plant to run inefficiently. An upgrade to the system was needed. Granitor upgraded the DCS  control system for the gas station using Honeywell Experian UOC.

The plant is located in an inner forest of the Aceh area. We also integrated the HMI on the field with  the  operator station in Jakarta. Top management in  Jakarta  could monitor plant operations in real-time.

Scope of work:

  • Engineering design for DCS systems
  • DCS panel fabrication and programming
  • Dismantled earlier DCS
  • Installation and commissioning DCS systems
  • Integrating HMI in the field in Jakarta using web client services

Oil & Gas Production Monitoring

A telemetry system is needed for most of the oil and gas upstream industry due to remote site locations. Granitor delivered telemetry solution using web-based SCADA so the engineer can access data from anywhere using a web browser and public internet.

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